Advertising in WI Life

Advertise in the WI’s membership magazine, WI Life, for the opportunity to reach over 180,000 members of the largest women's voluntary organisation in the country.

WI Life is delivered directly to WI members in England, Wales and the Channel Islands eight times a year.

The magazine keeps members informed about what is happening within the organisation, with campaign updates, stories and features on members' activities and interests. In line with WI values, WI Life is printed on FSC-approved paper using vegetable-based ink. It is delivered directly to members’ homes in a 100% compostable wrap.

A wider audience awaits you with WI Life magazine

Readers profile:

Over 180,000 WI members – wives, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, mothers-in-law, daughters-in-law (in other words, women!).

Social class – 73% are ABC1, meaning they have the social and financial status to spend on luxury products.

Age range – members vary in age; we know we have 18-year-old members but are realistic enough to know that this is the minority. However, 93% are 45 and over (perhaps not as old as you'd imagined?).

93% of members own their own home and 88% are mortgage-free – backing up our claim that our readers are women who largely have disposable income; what better audience to advertise your products and services to?

60% are retired, 15% are housewives and 13% either work full or part-time while the rest volunteer – enforcing our message that members largely have the time to spend looking at your products or services.

72% have children over the age of 18 – if you're after a slightly younger market too, who better than their affluent mothers to influence?

60% have grandchildren under the age of 18 – again, if you're looking for grandmothers to buy presents for their grandchildren then you're in the right place.

Travel – as you'd expect with a fairly affluent and time-rich audience, members love to travel and usually take 2.45 holidays or more a year. So if you're a travel-related company, then look no further.

Hobbies – 74% love reading, 73% love gardening, 62% are very interested in national heritage, 61% love and care about wildlife and the environment and 60% are interested in cookery. NB these are just the highlights from our extensive lost.

Charities – the WI offers you an ABC1 audience who have both the time and money to give to your charity. It is estimated that 90% of WI members give to charity, collectively donating over £18 million a year.

WI members are responsive to good offers and causes. They are not impulse buyers but habit purchasers who give long term loyalty. They look for quality goods and high standards in products and services.