No More Violence against Women


We have been campaigning to eliminate violence against women since 2008 by raising awareness of its nature, extent and impact.

Not in my Name pledge

WIs across the country have been recruiting local male groups and decision-makers to pledge their support to never use, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence against women.

By signing the pledge and wearing a white ribbon, men can send out the message that domestic abuse is not acceptable, should never be ignored and cannot be excused.

In 2024, campaign supporters included One Voice Wales, the Welsh Association of Male Choirs and Fishguard & Goodwick RFC and in 2023 Cricket Wales, Cardiff City FC, Narberth RFC and Cardiff Devils Ice Hockey Team pledged their support.

Read the article published by One Voice Wales.

Supporting statement from Glamorgan Cricket:

Glamorgan Cricket is pleased to get behind this campaign, especially sharing the message with boys and men in Wales to take note of the ‘Not in my name’ message that violence against women is completely unacceptable. Cricket has a role to advocate these messages and we are pleased to support this campaign. - Mark Frost, Community and Development Manager, Glamorgan Cricket and Cricket Wales

Not in my Name pledge poster

Download our poster about the campaign and opportunities for organisations/groups/clubs to get involved: English - Welsh

Download our Action Pack for background information, ideas for action and links to useful resources.

Members in Wales: Register to become a Not in my Name Champion

We are currently recruiting WI members in Wales to become Champions in their WI and community to help end violence against women and girls (VAWG). The Not in my Name Champions will be supported to lead action in their WI and community to raise awareness of VAWG and recruit and empower ambassadors to become allies in the prevention and elimination of VAWG. Visit My WI to find out more and register your interest.

2024 stakeholder event and candlelight vigil

On 18 November 2024, NFWI-Wales held a stakeholder event at the Senedd followed by a candlelight vigil. Read more here about the events.

2025 events at the Senedd

Date for your diary: NFWI-Wales and Joyce Watson MS will be holding a daytime cross-party stakeholder event in the Senedd followed by a candlelight vigil early evening on Monday 17 November 2025 to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and International White Ribbon Day.

Not in my Name competition

The 2024 Not in my Name competition for members was to Design a Mug. Congratulations to the winner - Julie Harrison, Minera WI, Clwyd Denbigh Federation.

Read more about the competition here.

Take action

Some of the other ways to take action include:

  • making white ribbons for ambassadors to wear
  • organising photo opportunities of the ambassadors holding or signing a support poster
  • linking with local authorities – a number have or are working towards gaining White Ribbon accreditation
  • working with other women’s groups such as Women’s Aid and Hafan Cymru to organise joint awareness-raising activities
  • issuing a joint press statement and using social media to promote activities with the #NotinmyName hashtag

For more information members can log in to My WI.