Royal Welsh Winter Fair

Thank you for visiting our stand at The Royal Welsh Winter Fair! We hope that you enjoyed chatting to our representatives and were able to get more information on how you can become a WI Member. Please share your thoughts on social media. Don’t forget to tag us and use the hashtag #WIRoyalWelshWinterFair

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The WI Learning Hub

Everyone should be given the confidence and opportunity to create their own, unique learning journey in an accessible and flexible online environment where they can feel safe, empowered and accepted. That’s why our range of courses at the WI Learning Hub will give you the freedom and control to learn anywhere, so whether you want friendly experts, guidance, socialisation, interaction or collaborations we have it all for you.

The WI Learning Hub provides a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment for all. Women, men, home schoolers, career changers, old and young, WI members and non-members; the Hub is an open and welcoming space for everyone (although WI members have the added benefit of not having to pay for the majority of courses!)

Visit the Learning Hub here.

Try the Thinking Differently Craft!

Download here.

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Want to hear more about becoming a WI Member or WI Supporter? 

If you would like to hear from the NFWI Team about becoming a WI Member or Supporter, please complete the form below and the team will get back to you.

Quick Links - learn more about the WI

Are you interested in becoming a WI Member or WI Supporter? Are you unsure of what this might involve? Take a look at the below links which will direct you to some useful information and pages on the WI website to learn more.

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Federation Locations

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We also have virtual WIs, click here to find out more.

The WI Vision