Patchwork Hearts
Create this beautiful hand-stitched heart from re-purposed old fabrics scraps and trimmings, to pass on ‘The Love’ – it fits wonderfully well with a green lifestyle!
The technique used to create this heart is called ‘Crazy Patchwork’. The first enthusiasts of this style were the Victorians who became experts at using up odd fabric scraps to create beautiful works of art. Most of us have an accumulation of scraps lying around and this is a great way to use them up. Plus, because this is ‘slow stitching’ it makes a perfect mindfulness project for you too!
Skill level:
Finished size:
approximately 9cm x 9cm
You will need:
- Heart template – download here
- Small scraps of green fabric, we used a variety of plains, prints and different textures
- A small piece of lightweight iron-on interfacing
- Stranded embroidery cotton
- A small quantity of toy stuffing or lavender seeds
- Short length of 6mm-wide green ribbon for hanging loop
- Green beads and buttons (optional)
- Scissors
- Embroidery needle
- Hand-sewing needle
- Small embroidery hoop
- Sewing machine (optional)
- Iron
To make:

1. Cut a piece of interfacing larger than the size of the large heart template. Place the interfacing glue side up and lay small scraps of fabric on top.
2. When you are happy with the layout and the piece is totally covered, cover with a pressing cloth and press the fabric with an iron to secure to the interfacing. Flip piece over and press again to fix glue completely.
3. Insert fabric pieces into the embroidery hoop. Using one or two strands of embroidery thread, stitch over all raw edges of each fabric piece using pretty embroidery stitches. For an authentic ‘crazy patchwork’ look get creative with your needlework; we used a variety of stitches including: blanket, fly, feather, chevron, herringbone, Chevron, cross and wheatear. Add other stitches, across the piece as you wish and embellish with beads or buttons.
4. Remove embellished fabric piece from the embroidery hoop and pin on the heart template; cut out. Remove the template and use again to cut another heart from another piece of fabric to be used for the back.
5. Pin heart shapes right sides together and stitch around the edge, leaving a gap in one side. Snip the seams around the curved edges and into the ‘V’ and then turn right side out.
6. Stuff heart through the gap using toy stuffing or lavender seeds. Once stuffed, hand stitch the gap closed and stitch a hanging ribbon to the top.