The WI is what you make it!

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    Food and Lifestyle

    Kick-start the day with a healthy breakfast, beat those mid-day hunger pangs with something tasty and finish off the day with a hearty meal with friends and family, My WI offers members a range of delicious, healthy and easy to make recipes.

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    Research has shown that crafting, regardless of the medium, can lift your mood, improve self-confidence and reduce stress, and best of all, crafting is designed for all ages, races, genders and ethnicities. That’s why, here at My WI we offer members a range of craft activities they do either on their own, or with friends and family.

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    Nature and the Environment

    We know how enjoyable it is to be outside and admire the local beauty, whether its in your garden, sat in a park or walking through the woods, but not only does nature make you feel good, its also good for the environment. The WI is passionate about the climate, wildlife and gardening and we strive to enable our members to create natural spaces around them.

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    Business and Training

    Working collaboratively with a range of organisations, we ensure members are skilled, knowledgeable and feel confident in undertaking various roles available within the WI.

    From Conflict Management, Speaking with Confidence to Safeguarding, visit the WI Learning Hub to view the courses available through our providers.