Lifelong Learning

Life-long learning has always been at the very heart of the WI; it is important to everyone regardless of age, race, gender, or ability. As life changes, so does the way we learn, and the advancement in the technological landscape means that our approach to learning is continually changing.
The WI Learning Hub offers members the opportunity to learn new skills, expand current understanding, and engage in a variety of topics that are relevant to everyday life, either in the comfort of their own homes or with their WI.

Be loud and proud, be a WI member… The WI may know a thing or two about making delicious jam or crocheting beautiful garments, but did you know we’re also pretty amazing at playing Walking Netball, Rugby and singing, to name just a few! From singing with Tony Christie at St Pancras Station, London to hiding crafted corgis around the country to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, WI members across the country have been able to show off their skills and enjoy a range of exciting events.