Mold WI
To keep its 60 members, many of whom are self-isolating and shielding, connected during the lockdown, Mold WI (Clwyd-Flint Federation) has taken a three-step approach: helping hands, keeping in touch and Zoom.
Mold WI member Karen has knitted hats for a local foodbank
All members were asked if they were happy to have their contact details disclosed to other members. Two-thirds agreed to this and Mold WI now has a network of members phoning and emailing each other regularly. Some have also helped by delivering shopping and prescriptions when asked to do so.
Mold WI member Ginny has made face masks for NHS Flintshire
Mold WI is keeping in touch by sending its members a fortnightly email full of news, views and reviews. The email is compiled using submissions from members, edited and sent around. For the 4 members who do not use email, the news is printed and posted through their letterboxes.
Mold WI’s committee is currently meeting via zoom. This is proving really useful, and fun!