Become a WI Supporter

Still make your voice heard on a local and national level whilst supporting our work.

Our Supporter option gives you the opportunity to support our causes and campaigns, and be kept in the loop about all things WI. The WI has so many causes to be proud of and worthy of support.

We connect women, we support women and we empower women!

From £18/year (women aged 18 and up), you can get:

WI monthly e-newsletter

Supporter level access to My WI, (exclusive WI content website)

WI Life magazine. (8 issues a year, packed with news, campaign updates, craft, competitions, and more. Best of all, each issue tells the story of the inspiring women of the WI)

Two WI Learning Hub on-line courses, one live and one on demand (from the £5.00 selection).

Become a Supporter now

Looking for other options?

If you're looking to attend regular meetings, either in-person or online you might want to become a member and join a local or virtual WI group.

If you'd like to support our work without becoming a Supporter, you can also make a one-off or monthly donation.