Wellbeing pledge cards

Me, Myself and WI week aims to inspire our members to spend some time focussing on their mental and physical health. As such we are inviting members to make a pledge to themselves to be kind to their body and mind because putting a commitment in writing, rather than just thinking about it, can make a huge difference.

Your pledge can be anything you desire: from taking time out of your day for a quick meditation, allowing yourself to be present, pledging to take a walk, getting more rest, stressing less or having more meaningful conversations with friends and family members.

To give you an example:

We would also like to encourage our members to take a picture of themselves holding their pledge card and either email it to pr@nfwi.org.uk or share it on social media using the hashtag #MeMyselfandWI. We are looking forward to collating all your pictures in a beautiful collage.

Simply click on the links below to download, save and edit our Me, Myself and WI pledge card templates.