Bipolar Disorder - Bipolar UK
Phone: 0333 323 3880
Charity dedicated to supporting individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, as well as their families and carers.
Carers - Carers UK
Phone: 08008 808 7777 (freephone, 10am-4pm Mon-Fri)
Provides advice on a range of issues including financial and practical matters relating to caring.
Crime – Victim Support
Phone: 0808 1689 111 (freephone, 8pm-8am Mon-Fri, weekends 24hrs)
Charity working towards a world where people affected by crime or traumatic events get the support they need and the respect they deserve.
Debt – Money Advice Service
Phone: 0800 138 7777 (freephone, 9am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9.30am-1pm Sat)
Free, independent service that provides information on all money related matters.
Debt - National Debtline
Phone: 0808 808 4000 (freephone, 9am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9.30am-1pm Sat)
Providing free, confidential specialist advice on managing financial debt.
General - Citizen’s Advice
Phone: 03444 111 444
Free, independent information and advice for people on money, legal, consumer, housing and other problems.
Health – NHS Choices
Provides a wide range of accessible information on all health-related issues.
Learning Disabilities – Mencap
Phone: 0808 808 1111 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)
Working in partnership with people with a learning disability, their families and carers.
Nutrition – Food for the Brain
Phone: 0300 365 0130
Raising awareness of the importance of optimum nutrition for mental health.
Personality Disorder – Emergence,uk
Service-user led organisation with the overarching aim of supporting all people affected by personality disorder.
Psychosis – Hearing Voices Network
Phone: 0114 271 8210
Committed to helping people who hear voices, see visions and experience tactical sensations and those that support them.
Stigma – Time to Change
The main national anti-stigma campaign, run by leading mental health charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness.