Contact us


104 New Kings Road, London 
T: 020 7371 9300

NFWI Education and Training

The Lambourn, Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon
OX14 1UJ
T: 020 7371 9300


Suite 66, 33 Cathedral Road, Cardiff
CF11 9HB
T: 029 2022 1712

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Your federation

To contact a WI please go through the federation. The contact details for federations can be found by following the links below:

Please fill in the form below, selecting the relevant department. We endeavour to reply to your message as soon as possible.


If you would like to submit a formal complaint to the NFWI, please make sure you have read the below NFWI Complaints Policy and use the provided NFWI Complaints Form.
