Past Campaigns

WI members in front of the Albert Memorial in LondonThe WI has a long history of campaigning on a wide range of issues. Explore some of our past campaigns and successes below. Although we are no longer focussing on these campaigns at a national level, we do occasionally return to them and take relevant action.


Care not Custody

Our campaign focused on ensuring people with mental health problems get the right care for their condition through safer alternatives for prison.


Carers Welcome

We campaigned to enable carers to stay with people who are admitted into hospital with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


More Midwives

The WI called on the government to increase investment in the training, employment and retention of midwives in England and Wales.


Supporting UK Dairy Farmers

This campaign sought to raise awareness of the stark differences between the retail price of milk and the price paid to farmers.


Time to Talk about Organ Donation

Our campaign called on members to encourage friends, family members and local communities to make their wishes regarding organ donation known.