The resolution selection results are in!

This year there were over 90,000 individual selections cast by WI members and the most popular resolution, was Bystanders Can be Lifesavers.

The NFWI Board of Trustees has agreed to put this resolution forward to the Annual Meeting in May.

The wording of the resolution is as follows:

Bystanders Can be Lifesavers

There are over 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests a year in the UK and less than one in ten people survive. Women have a lower chance of surviving than men. Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillating can more than double the chances of survival. We call on WI members to work together to increase public confidence and training in the delivery of CPR and to work with local organisations to help to improve access to defibrillators in their communities to give every person the best chance of surviving a cardiac arrest.

What happens next?

WI Members now have the opportunity to learn more about the issue, and to discuss the resolution in their WIs before deciding how their delegate should vote at the Annual Meeting.


The NFWI has prepared a range of resources on the shortlisted resolution that you can use to aid your WI’s decision, including:

  • A detailed briefing on the resolution.
  • A PowerPoint presentation on the topic.
  • A quiz to test your knowledge.
  • A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document about the resolutions process.
  • A discussion guide with ideas about how to discuss the resolution in your WI.

WI Members and Supporters can download the resources on MyWI.

Read more about the WI resolution process here.

Download the full resolutions process timetable for 2024/25 here.